About Us

Welcome to Bypass Hollywood, a platform dedicated to empowering creative minds in every field to take control of their artistic journeys. Whether you’re a musician, author, filmmaker, TV producer, animator, comic book creator, or graphic novel artist, Bypass Hollywood encourages you to start out as an independent artist.

Embrace Your Independence

In today’s world, you don’t need permission to succeed. The landscape of the entertainment and publishing industries has shifted, allowing independent artists unprecedented freedom to create, share, and profit from their work directly. By choosing the independent route, you maintain full creative control and ownership over your projects, free from the constraints and compromises often imposed by traditional corporate entities.

Success Stories

Countless successful artists began their careers independently before partnering with major entities, proving that this path can lead to immense success. By starting independently, you can build a loyal fan base, refine your craft, and enter any partnership from a position of strength rather than seeking approval. From Grammy-winning musicians to bestselling authors and blockbuster filmmakers, the success stories are endless and inspiring.

Create, Connect, and Thrive

At Bypass Hollywood, we believe in the power of direct connection with your audience. With the rise of digital platforms and social media, it’s never been easier to reach fans and build a community around your work. While traditional routes still hold value, the ability to create and sell directly to fans provides a viable, lucrative alternative.

Why Wait? Start Now

Instead of spending years pitching your ideas and hoping for a break, you can invest that time in creating your project and sharing it with the world. Independent artists are proving every day that it’s possible to make a living—and a substantial one—by selling directly to their fan base. Whether you ultimately decide to partner with traditional entities or continue to forge your own path, beginning as an independent artist positions you as a partner, not a panhandler.

Join the Movement

Bypass Hollywood is here to support and inspire you on your independent journey. Explore our resources, learn from the stories of those who have successfully navigated this path, and connect with a community of like-minded creatives. The future of entertainment and publishing is independent, and it’s yours to shape.

Welcome to the revolution. Welcome to Bypass Hollywood.