From Podcast to TV Deal: 5 Steps to Getting Hollywood to Chase After You


Now more than ever is a great time to land a TV deal because Hollywood is in disarray and they’re looking for built-in audiences. If you have a true crime podcast, a hot topic, or a large and engaged audience, Hollywood is very interested in talking to you. Developing your podcast into a TV show is much easier than starting from scratch. So, how do you get their attention, and what are they looking for in particular? Who do you talk to at the companies, and what do you say once you get a hold of them?

I’ve landed 22 TV development deals and have had well over 1000 meetings with some of the film and television industry’s biggest production companies. I have a clear idea what they’re looking for because they keep me updated on what they would like me to seek out and find for them. 

Below are a few tips on how you as a pocaster can potentially land a TV Deal. 

1. Leverage Your Built-In Audience

Hollywood is currently looking for built-in audiences, which can be about almost any topic. True crime podcasts, for instance, are particularly appealing because they are typically low-budget to produce and have an insatiable audience. Networks dedicated to true crime programming are always on the lookout for new content. Similarly, podcasts about conspiracy theories, kids and family content, romance, or dating can also be great sources of material. The key is to highlight your engaged, regularly listening audience.

2. Identify the Right Production Companies

To get their attention, reach out to production companies that have produced the type of programming you want to emulate. You can find these companies by visiting IMDb Pro or doing a Google search. Look for shows similar to what you envision for your podcast and note which companies produce them. Once you have a list, focus on contacting the head of development at these companies.

3. Make Contact

Use LinkedIn and a Chrome extension like GetProspect to find contact information. When you reach out via email, your goal isn’t to land a deal immediately but to set up a meeting to discuss potential interest. Lead with the most attractive aspect of your pitch: your audience. Highlight the size and demographic of your audience, emphasizing how engaged they are.

4. Craft a Compelling Email

In your email, be concise and direct. Mention that you have a sizable audience, detail who they are, and express your interest in developing your podcast into a TV show. Don’t worry about having a screenplay or other materials at this point. Your aim is to set up a meeting to gauge interest. Here’s a sample email outline:

  • Subject: “Developing [Your Podcast Name] into a TV Show” (Always use their first name in the subject heading)
  • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and your podcast.
  • Audience: Highlight your audience size and demographic.
  • Proposal: Express your interest in discussing the potential of developing your podcast into a TV show.
  • Call to Action: Suggest setting up a meeting to talk further.

5. Prepare for the Meeting

If your initial email garners interest, your meeting will likely be via Zoom or Google Meet and last around 30 minutes. Emphasize the size and engagement of your audience during the meeting. Be ready to discuss your podcast’s success, potential for adaptation, and your vision for the TV show. If the company prefers you to be represented, consider hiring an entertainment attorney from platforms like Upwork to represent you.

If you’d like to know more, you might be interested in our forthcoming eBook.


Questions to Ponder:

  • How can I identify and approach the right production companies?
  • What makes my podcast’s audience appealing to Hollywood?
  • How should I pitch my podcast to attract TV development interest?
  • Who are the key contacts at production companies, and how do I reach them?
  • What should I prepare for my initial meeting with production companies?

For more detailed information on how to build a sizable audience, what exactly to say in your email, and other strategies to get Hollywood interested in your podcast, join our waiting list for our upcoming ebook: How Podcasters Can Land Film/TV Deals.


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